TCN Office Hours: E-Cigarette Bills Registry


March 28, 2024    
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Presented By:

Tobacco Control Network


Online Office Hours

Register here.

A growing number of states are considering or have passed e-cigarette registry bills which create product registries, conveying regulation of e-cigarette products. However, there is skepticism if the registries will help to minimize e-cigarette products sold in a state. What are these registries and how do they work? How effective are they?

Mark your calendars for a TCN office-hour event on Thursday, March 28, from 2-3 pm ET, where TCN members can join CDC/OSH SME Maggie Mahoney to ask questions, share resources, listen in on the conversation, and learn about the public health implications of e-cigarette registry bills.

Office Hour Event Link

If you’re unable to attend or would like to review resources ahead of the office hour, please see the following from Public Health Law Center:

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